Staffordshire Crimes

This page provides access to a database listing a huge number of crimes that were committed in Staffordshire.

Amongst other details, each entry records the nature and location of the offence, who committed the offence, the victim(s) of the offence, the assize where the trial was held, the verdict in the case and the sentence that was handed down.

If one of your relatives was the victim or perpetrator of a crime in Staffordshire, you can use this database to find out more about the case. On the other hand, you may wish to check the database to make sure your ancestors have a spotless record.

The database has been uploaded to the BFHG website in two formats: as a PDF file and as a downloadable Excel spreadsheet. To access the Staffordshire Crimes database use the links below for the format you prefer:

Staffordshire Crimes Database (PDF file)

Staffordshire Crimes Database (Excel Spreadsheet)